jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Títulos en SWTOR

Los que se conocen hasta la fecha de títulos que se pueden conseguir en SWTOR

[PlayerName] the Friendly (Social I)
[PlayerName] the Outgoing
[PlayerName] the Coordinator
[PlayerName] the Socialite
[PlayerName] the Guide
[PlayerName] the Extrovert
[PlayerName] the Charismatic
[PlayerName] the Leader (Social VIII)
Warzone Hero [PlayerName]
[PlayerName], Warzone Commander
Flyboy [PlayerName]

Alignment Light
[PlayerName] the Respectable (Light I)
[PlayerName] the Upstanding
[PlayerName] the Honorable
[PlayerName] the Pure
[PlayerName] the Benevolent (Light V)

Alignment Dark
[PlayerName] the Vicious (Dark I)
[PlayerName] the Sinister
[PlayerName] the Destructive
[PlayerName] The Loathsome
[PlayerName] the Malevolent (Dark V)

Grand Champion [PlayerName]
The Outlaw [PlayerName]
Baron [PlayerName]
Homewrecker [PlayerName]
Friendly [PlayerName]
Party Time [PlayerName]
Chatterbox [PlayerName]
Big Time [PlayerName]
[PlayerName] the Heartless
[PlayerName] the Pilot
[PlayerName], Hot Shot Pilot
Warmaster [PlayerName]
[PlayerName], Mender of the Rift
[PlayerName], Mandolorian Bane
[PlayerName], Shadow Hunter
[PlayerName], Primeval Explorer
[PlayerName] of the Bane Brigade
[PlayerName], Scorcher of Worlds
[PlayerName], Hero of the Gorinth Canyon
[PlayerName], Master of the Burning Way
[PlayerName] the Jailbreaker
[PlayerName], Rider of the Maelstrom
[PlayerName] the Unmasked
[PlayerName], Venom Drinker
[PlayerName] the Venomous
[PlayerName] the Deprogrammer
[PlayerName], Rakghoul's Bane
[PlayerName] the Throne Breaker
[PlayerName] Barsen'thor
[PlayerName], Emissary of Teral
[PlayerName], Republic Privateer
[PlayerName] the Butcher's Bane
[PlayerName] the Forcewalker
[PlayerName] the Relentless
[PlayerName], Knight of Alderaan
[PlayerName], Master Conspirator

[PlayerName], Black Bisector
[PlayerName], Scourge of the Underworld
[PlayerName], SIS Operative
[PlayerName], Paladin of House Organa
[PlayerName], Liberator of Corellia
[PlayerName], Ice Wars Veteran
[PlayerName], Ambassador of the Republic
[PlayerName] the Uncompromising
[PlayerName] the Backstabber

Padawan [PlayerName]
[PlayerName] the Keeper of Truth

[PlayerName] Knight of the Republic
Master [PlayerName]
General [PlayerName]
[PlayerName] the Sentinel
[PlayerName] the Guardian

Jedi [PlayerName]
[PlayerName] of the Jedi Council
[PlayerName], Council Military Advisor
[PlayerName] the Sage
[PlayerName] the Shadow

Non - Force User
[PlayerName] the Mantellian

Sergeant [PlayerName]
Lieutenant [PlayerName]
Major [PlayerName]
[PlayerName] the Commando
[PlayerName] the Vanguard

Captain [PlayerName]
[PlayerName] the Gunslinger
[PlayerName] the Scoundrel

[PlayerName] the Revanite
[PlayerName], Imperial Scholar
[PlayerName], Champion of House Thul
[PlayerName], Conqueror of Corellia
[PlayerName], Conqueror of Balmorra
[PlayerName], Ambassador of the Empire
[PlayerName] the Merciless
[PlayerName] the Stalwart

Acolyte [PlayerName]
Lord [PlayerName]
Apprentice [PlayerName]

[PlayerName] the Emperor's Wrath
[PlayerName] the Marauder
[PlayerName] the Juggernaut

Darth [PlayerName]
[PlayerName] the Sorcerer
[PlayerName] the Assassin

Non - Force User

Bounty Hunter
[PlayerName], Republic's Most Wanted
[PlayerName] the Powertech
[PlayerName] the Mercenary
[PlayerName], Grand Champion of the Great Hunt
[PlayerName], Hired Gun

Agent [PlayerName]
Cipher Agent [PlayerName]
[PlayerName] the Sniper
[PlayerName] the Operative
[PlayerName] the Double Agent

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